Internet marketing can be a complicated affair for newbies or imminent entrepreneurs. It has limitless potential in terms of what one can achieve online. This write-up aims to take a broad look at four main pillars of internal marketing and ways to get the most of out it. So, let’s get started without any further ado.
How to get started with internet marketing?
Any business that aspires to rule online platforms to boost growth and income can employ the following internet marketing strategies:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is a systematic method cum approach that helps with website authority and ranking on the Google search engine. SEO revolves around various practices that aim to improve website performance in terms of technical and online exposure.
The ultimate objective of any SEO campaign is to attract as much organic traffic as possible on a given website.
Organic traffic is free traffic that businesses can use to their advantage by optimizing their website for SERP.
The process of SEO optimization commences with keyword identification. There are many tools that can help you with that.
But finding the potential keywords is not the only thing you should look for. Instead, try to understand the intent behind every search term from the users’ perspective.
Let’s say you are in the garment export business and you have found a keyword – Garment export– with the help of a keyword tool.
This search term can mean two things:
Either the searcher is looking to start a garment export business or they might be looking for export data.
To get clarity about this, you need to look out for the top 15 pages on SERP that are ranking against this keyword.
If all the pages talk about the export data, it is safe to assume that most searchers are not looking out for the export procedure.
That is where the long tails keyword comes into play. These search terms are self-expressive and hence easy to understand. That’s how long tails keywords look like:
● How to start garment export?
● What type of documents applies to garment export?
● Custom clearance for garment export
Since all these keywords are relevant to your business, you can create content around them and expect better results on online searches.
A user persona is another key factor you should consider for keyword identification and content creation.
Every content strategy is futile if you cannot find out what your audience wants.
SEO is not all about finding potential keywords and creating content around them. It goes beyond general practice. It is better for you to think out of the box if you aspire to rule the online search.
The next important step in SEO is the link-building and technical optimization of the website.
Link-building is the practice of creating links on third-party websites. These links are broadly known as backlinks, which play better in improving the SERP visibility of a website.
The higher the number of backlinks, the higher the website’s authority and ranking.
On the other hand, technical optimization involves the following practices:
● Link redirection of pages that are showing 404 error
● Removal of dead links
● Adding structured data
● Use of Hrflang
● Speeding upload time
Content Marketing
SEO and content marketing go hand in hand. Content marketing deals with content creation and distribution to attract as many customers as possible.
To get started with content marketing, it is vital to know:
● Who is my audience?
● What is my objective behind content creation?
● What type of content resonates strongly among the targeted audiences?
● What would be an apt publication source?
● What type of content structuring I should use?
● What is an ideal word count for content from a ranking standpoint?
● How often should I post my content?
Once you find the answer to these, things will become simpler for you.
How you create and post your content will decide how much traffic your website will receive. Also, the frequency at which you post your content has everything to do with your online success.
So, knowing what your users want, when they want, and where they want is vitally important.
Pay-per-click marketing
Per-per-click, as the name suggests, is a form of web advertising that incurs a specified cost each time when someone clicks the ads.
PPC marketing creates an instant online presence, unlike SEO. But it comes with a cost. It is not free and thus you have to pay a specific amount per click regardless of whether you have made a sale or not.
PPC is ideal for businesses which are belonged to a super-competitive niche such as digital marketing, software development, app design, and so on.
Getting started with a PPC is easy. All you need is to register to Google-based or any other ad platform.
You can even choose different visuals format for your ads among many available options.
Your ad campaign can become operational in minutes, thanks to the user-friendly interface and intuitive features of the ad platforms.
You must be aware of the following facts before you get PPC on board
● What PPC cannot give is a long-term web presence, which is vital for ensuring sustainable growth.
● Whatever benefits PPC offers to the brand stay in effect for a limited timeline.
● The traffic or conversion that PPC offers can exceed your expectation.
● Signing up for PPC means that you will be going to bid for super-competitive keywords- such as software development, software testing, etc. So, getting financially sound should be your first priority before you plan to employ PPC in your marketing endeavors.
Social Media Marketing
The absence of social presence can gradually undermine your business’s credibility. If you are looking for long-lasting customer relationships and growth, SMM is something you need to take very seriously.
Social media platforms are important tools in the marketers’ arsenal. The threshold of traffic leads, or conversion social media offers can be astonishing. But, it will purely depend on what kind of strategy you choose.
To get started with SMM, you need to create your business profile on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Social media is about posting content, ad copies, or images that drive engagement.
It gives you the leverage of adding links to content that re-direct users to your landing pages. You can use this to your advantage by posting content that resonates.
Getting started by SMM is not that tedious, but the real effort lies in staying consistent with your effort without worrying about outcomes.
If you are true to your efforts, rewards shall find your way.